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HomeSoftwares/AppsGet your Website Multilingual in Minutes – ConveyThis has it all!

Get your Website Multilingual in Minutes – ConveyThis has it all!

Website Translation Software

Website Translation Software

Translation Software is used for websites to make translating and localizing written content easier and more automated. Software for website translation, commonly known as a “Translation Management System” (TMS), makes translation at scale possible.

Translation software is specially designed to significantly reduce:

  • The effort primarily involved during the translation of the content
  • The translation cost
  • The time spend on supervising the translation by teams

Translation software makes room for efficiency by saving time and money. Businesses can take on other urgent projects without incurring additional costs due to increased productivity.

Using a website translate widget gives the power to visual context, control workflows, brand assets, translation memory, and translation resources. The quality of the work can be increased by using translation software, but there are other advantages as well.

Why ConveyThis Software?

Why ConveyThis Software

ConveyThis Translate is the best translation plugin for WordPress for accurately, quickly, and easily translating any website into more than 120 languages!

ConveyThis Translate installation only requires a few easy steps and doesn’t take more than two minutes.

Users don’t need any experience with .PO files or web development to translate their website using this plugin. ConveyThis Translate instantly and accurately performs machine translation after automatically detecting the content of the website. All the while, optimizing every translated page in accordance with Google’s recommendations for multilingual websites. Moreover, customers could easily view and change every translation that has been done using a single, straightforward interface, or they can hire a pro to do it for them. Users will thus receive a bilingual website that is entirely SEO optimized.

Features of ConveyThis:

  • 100 above languages of the most widely spoken languages across the globe
  • Accurate and fast machine translation (automatic)
  • Does not redirect to 3rd party sites like seen in Google translate
  • No need for a credit card for registering and also money-back assurance for all the paid plans
  • Translate alt text, attributes, page URLs, and metatext
  • Simple to use (just less number of simple steps starting from registering to translating)
  • 100 percent compatibility with all plugins and themes (like WooCommerce)
  • Free from .PO files issues and needs no coding
  • Simple interface to handle and manage every translated content
  • Expert and skilled translators from translation agencies with more than 15 yrs of experience
  • SEO-optimized (all translated pages will definitely be indexed by Bing, Google, Yahoo, and more)
  • Position of language switcher switch and customizable design
  • Greatly compatible with SEO plugins: Yoast, Rank Math, SEOPress 

Why is ConveyThis, a choice of majority Business?

1. Simple Setup

ConveyThis uses automatic translations, so translating and deploying the website simply takes a few minutes. Unlike the outdated method of translating websites that involved manual file exchanges, quotes, approvals, and revisions. Speedily, in fact.

2. Edit Translations

Edit Translations ConveyThis Software

ConveyThis updates translations easily. There are two editors available: a visual editor and a text editor. They can all approach situations differently and work well together. Any visual element on a website can be changed or translated using the visual editor, whilst users can update HEAD META tags like TITLE, DESCRIPTION, KEYWORDS, and ALT IMAGES using the text editor.

3. Right-to-Left Languages are Supported

Even if users don’t speak Arabic or Hebrew, many people do. Furthermore, this technology enables us to present translated sheets in the proper order, helping the website visitors better comprehend how the pages flow. Some translation software is inadequate. They alter the sequence but do not mirror-flip the design. The plugin effectively manages it.

4. Replace Pictures and PDF

Replace Pictures and PDF ConveyThis Software

User’s webpages may contain graphics and PDF downloads that have hard-coded language when they translate them into other languages. By informing ConveyThis’s website of the new upload path, users can change such photos using ConveyThis. This improves user experience even more and moves website localization one step closer.

5. Improved Page Experience

Serving any user, a website in their native tongue is much better and creates a good image. ConveyThis enables users who understand different languages to set up automatic language redirection. Users are served the translated page when accessing pages that ConveyThis has translated, which improves behavioral indicators like average time on site and conversion rates.

6. Highly Affordable than Others

ConveyThis is up to 50–75% less expensive than its competitors. Why?

ConveyThis has decided to run a lean, tiny business. Large teams are not necessary to produce a bloated, subpar product. The software maintains accuracy and efficiency.

7. Stability

ConveyThis device is based on a web proxy. Therefore, a significant amount of heavy load is placed on their website rather than user’s. ConveyThis employs the clustering technology of the database that powers digital juggernauts like Expedia, Slack, HubSpot, and even YouTube to handle that. Imagine ConveyThis utilizing a platform as effective as YouTube!


Translation software is a worthwhile investment to position businesses for global opportunities. Any translation tool, in the end, isn’t just something that companies employ to swiftly translate a lot of content. It’s a technology that facilitates more effective communication with global marketplaces and guarantees that every output is transformed into a resource that benefits the business. Having stated that, thinking about ConveyThis is simply the best option to experience these business translation software benefits!

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:


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