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HomeSEOWhat a Good CMS Must be Able to do

What a Good CMS Must be Able to do

For most users today, the most important – and usually also the first – point of contact with a new provider is a company’s website.

Good CMS

For this reason, companies should always aim to offer real added value as part of their web presence and not just use it as a digital business card. In this way, they ultimately create the best starting position for themselves to convert potential customers into actual customers.

However, the demands of users today are extremely high: for them, both a modern and appealing presentation of the website is important, as well as interactive services and a comprehensive range of helpful information.

In order to meet these demands, it is hardly possible to do without a high-quality content management system, such as the CMS for Salesforce. The following article explains which criteria generally distinguish a recommendable CMS.

Combination of editing and content management

Today, many different types of media can be found on a contemporary website, whether in the form of images, texts or videos. But the more complex and comprehensive the different contents of a website become, the more important it is to manage the media in an efficient and structured way.

This can be ensured, for example, in the form of an integrated media database, as well as through a DAM, a digital asset management system, which has an external connection. It is important that the DAM fits perfectly into the editorial environment of the content management system.

In this context, it is also important to have a corresponding preview function that allows the respective editor to immediately see how his or her changes on the website will affect the visitors. This not only effectively reduces the error rate, but also saves a lot of valuable time.

Another essential point is the comprehensive possibility of rights management in the CMS – especially if website maintenance is the responsibility of different employees. For example, the definition of well thought-out workflows and approval processes can ensure that only approved content is published.

Simple management of activities in social networks

Social networks have become extremely important in the area of corporate communications. Various tools exist to simplify and support the activities on the respective channels. Modern content management systems should offer users the option of integrating them directly.

This reduces the effort required for updating and maintaining social media accounts. Posts for the social networks can then be created directly in the conventional editorial system, for example – along with suitable images from the media database.

Alignment with the mobile-first trend

Nowadays, most users access information on the Internet from their mobile devices, such as tablets or smartphones.

When it comes to creating a modern website, companies can no longer do without a corresponding orientation to the so-called mobile-first trend. This goes hand in hand with ensuring an ideal user experience for visitors at all times, even on small screens.

If the chosen CMS has integrated functions for responsive design, already defined rules are used to always adapt the website to the format of the respective mobile device. It is essential that the clarity and structure of the website do not suffer from the changed display format.

However, it must be ensured that all graphics and images have the correct formats. The system is ideal if it allows different image sections to be used for the different formats from a basic source image.

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:


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