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HomeTechnologyWhere to Use LED Walls and How to Choose the Right One

Where to Use LED Walls and How to Choose the Right One

LED walls represent a real revolution in the field of advertising and visual communication. These luminous screens, in fact, are designed to guarantee an outstanding visibility even from a distance, thanks to their brightness and sharpness, and allow images and videos to be reproduced even in rotation. They are made up of panels with invisible joints and create a visual effect of continuum, making the entire screen resemble a large digital wall. The term ‘LED wall’ derives precisely from this feature, as it looks like a real wall made up of multiple LEDs.

Where to Use LED Walls

How to choose a LED wall?

There are different types of LED walls on the market, such as the led display Macropix Milan. To choose the right one, it is necessary to keep several details in mind. In the first place, it is important to consider whether it will be installed inside a building or outside. Outdoor models have some differences with indoor screens as they are usually brighter and able to withstand adverse weather conditions, including rain and wind. Then, it is necessary to consider the overall size of the installation, the resolution, based on the estimated viewing distance, and the control mode, whether remote or on-site.  Finally, it may also be useful to consider the simplicity and speed of installation and transport.

LED screens: where to use them?

  • Art field: LED walls are also used in the contemporary art sector. In fact, more and more modern installations are transforming the facades of buildings into real works of art. Through LEDwalls, artists can combine colours, lights and dynamic effects to engage the audience. Even some museums have decided to focus on LED walls for indoor screens, such as the prestigious National Art Museum in Lithuania;
  • Trade fair sector: LED big screens are used at trade fairs to attract visitors in an engaging way, allowing visibility from all angles. During these events, both promotional films and information about products and services can be played, allowing interested parties to clarify any doubts they may have about certain items immediately;
  • Shop windows: LED walls placed inside shop windows allow real-time promotions to be shown and product specifications to be illustrated dynamically. The moving images immediately capture the customers’ attention, creating a visual impact that at the same time increases brand perception. Moreover, this tool makes it easy to change the message to be spread as there is no need to remove paper billboards to put up new ones;
  • Events and concerts: during live sporting events, concerts and shows, LED walls are used to allow spectators to see even those who are far from the stage. In addition, they can be used to show highlights, replays or scores in real time, ensuring that spectators can catch every detail of the event they are watching;
  • Outdoor advertising: LED walls are also the ideal solution for outdoor advertising, since there are models specifically designed to ensure optimal visibility in outdoor environments and to withstand the weather. They are ideal for capturing the attention of the public in public areas, along roads and in crowded places.
He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:


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